
The provisions of the Tax Ordinance provide the obligation to report certain transactions, events or other situations (called tax schemes) to the Head of the National Revenue Administration. Failure to comply with reporting obligations may result in penal fiscal liability of the responsible personnel. The fine may even exceed PLN 20 million. Due to the

VAT at the end of the year

The end of the year is the traditional time of adopting changes to tax law. This year, the issue of income taxes is the most controversial. Nevertheless, the value added tax (VAT) includes issues worth attention. Below, we would like to present you a synthetic overview of current issues, important for VAT settlement. 1. Amendment

In addition to the “Estonian CIT”, changes in the area of ​​income taxes include other very important issues, such as: covering limited partnerships (pol. spółka komandytowa) with CIT – starting from May 2021, although it will be possible to choose this option from the beginning of the year; liquidation of the so-called “abolition relief”; limiting

On October 28, the Sejm passed an amendment to the provisions of the Corporate Income Tax Act, introducing tax solutions, commonly known as “the Estonian CIT”. Just to remind, this is a special tax regime that provides for taxation of income only at the time of distribution or allocation of funds for private purposes of

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“Ulve” is tax and legal advisory for entrepreneurs. We are dedicated to share our knowledge and experience with you in the process of solving everyday business problems and challenges. Ulve advisory is based on our values ​​of openness, commitment and partnership. Your safety and business development will be priorities. We encourage you to contact us!


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