Non-financial reporting – upcoming challenges
Recent years have brought the development of obligations in the field of non-financial reporting by entrepreneurs. Currently, the issues of broadly understood non-financial reporting in Poland concern mainly the following areas: ESG reporting – taxonomy in the EU; ESG reporting – NFRD and CSRD; ESG reporting – SFDR; tax strategy; the activities of “whistleblowers” in
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Counteracting excessive delays in commercial transactions – proposed changes
Yesterday, the Government adopted a draft act amending the act on counteracting excessive delays in commercial transactions and the act on public finances. Now the Sejm will deal with the project. The proposed amendment provides solutions in two main areas: clarifying the provisions and increasing the efficiency of proceedings conducted by the Head of the
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Competition law – new important act
It is expected that any day, the Act of November 17, 2021 on counteracting the unfair use of contractual advantage in trade in agricultural and food products will be published in the Journal of Laws. The new act replaces the existing one. Its purpose is to implement the provisions of EU law, and in relation
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Bonus for the vaccinated – is it permissible?
Employers are increasingly considering rewarding employees for vaccination against SARS-COVID-19. From the employer’s point of view, such a solution brings specific business benefits. First of all, in the field of preventing sickness absenteeism of employees. At the moment, there are no direct legal regulations in this regard. There are some discussions to empower the employers
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The protection of whistleblowers draft act
Today, a draft act on the protection of persons who report violations of the law (the so-called whistleblower act) has appeared on the website of the Government Legislation Center. According to the proposed solutions, employers employing more than 50 employees will be required to establish the internal reporting regulations, specifying the internal procedure for reporting
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SLIM VAT 2 and signing of financial statements
We would like to inform you about two important events in the tax and legal field. “SLIM VAT 2” package Any day an amendment to the VAT Act will be published in the Journal of Laws, implementing the so-called “SLIM VAT 2” package. The most important changes within the package include: resignation from the condition
Proposals for new tax reliefs and the VAT Group – “tax restart of the economy”
The Ministry of Finance is proposing a package of tax reliefs aimed at reviving the economy. The Ministry proposes to introduce: relief for the initial public offering of shares (IPO relief); relief for investors via Venture Capital funds that invest capital in innovative enterprises; consolidation relief; expansion relief; changes in the so-called “Estonian” CIT. In