In addition to the “Estonian CIT”, changes in the area of income taxes include other very important issues, such as:
- covering limited partnerships (pol. spółka komandytowa) with CIT – starting from May 2021, although it will be possible to choose this option from the beginning of the year;
- liquidation of the so-called “abolition relief”;
- limiting the possibility of changing the depreciation rate for taxpayers who benefit from tax exemptions (e.g. in a special economic zone);
- obligation to prepare and publish the so-called tax policy (applies to the largest taxpayers);
- adopting a necessity to settle tax by the so-called real estate companies;
- limitation of the possibility of settling tax losses for some entities taking over the enterprise or its organized part;
- increasing the revenue limit, entitling to use the 9% rate (up to EUR 2 million).
The above changes and the regulation regarding the “Estonian” CIT are included in one amending act. It will now go to the Senate. It is possible that it will propose further amendments to it. They will later be considered by the Sejm.
Planned entry into force – from the beginning of 2021.